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What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small data file that is automatically stored on your computer when you use an internet service. A cookie contains information that might later be read by a web server on the domain that issued the cookie. That is, the website remembers you the next time you visit it or during a visit. A cookie is a passive file that cannot collect data on the user's computer or spread viruses or other malware.

How do I remove cookies?

When you have accepted cookies, you can delete them in your browser. If you want to change your consent you can do it on this page.

You can always refuse cookies on this homepage also after having consented to cookies in the first place. You do so by pressing the button “Reject cookies” in the box “Cancel cookie consent” at the top of this page. The cookies of this homepage will then be deleted from the computer you use.

Please notice that the function to cancel your cookie consent will not be visible as long as you have not accepted cookies.

ProviderNamePurposeExpiration time
www.en.kefm.dkGoBasic_CookieAcceptanceStateRemembers your cookie consent.1 year
www.en.kefm.dkgb_resolutionDetermines screen size to compress picturesSession
www.en.kefm.dkCookieConsentRemembers cookie settings including a time stamp1 year
www.en.kefm.dkGoBasicAffinityAffinity cookie hjælper med at pege brugeren til en specifikt indholdsserver i en sessionSession